
Cirque de l’Olbermann
Thursday 21 September 2006, 11:48 am
Filed under: MLB.TV, Obscure Cultural References, The Acme Corporation, The High Wire

Golly wolly! This is so exciting!

Not only did Bwana get to do a photo shoot recreating Peter Finch’s famous “I’m as mad as hell!” speech from “Network,” now he gets to recreate Philippe Petit’s tightrope walk between the World Trade Center towers!

Olbermann navigates tightrope minus a net


(Bwana wasn’t exactly hot for the idea at first, but once Dan Patrick and Phil the Showkiller double-dog-dared him to do it he could not say no.)

Of course, the towers aren’t there anymore, but I heard some chatter about stringing up a cable between the NBC headquarters at 30 Rockefeller Center and the Empire State Building.


That’s quite a ways to go. I hope Bwana won’t overexert himself and get a bulging disk or something bad like that.

Keeping our fingers crossed that Philippe Petit will consent to being Tightrope Maestro for Bwana. It’s either that or study the Tony Curtis circus movie:


To be on the safe side we are looking into buying a pair of Acme Anti-Gravity Boots, just in case Bwana slips and falls. Then again, Cartoon Law is pretty clear:

Wiley’s Law of Gravitation States that
you can defy gravity if:
      A) You are a cartoon character
      B) You don’t look down

Bwana is extremely cartoonish-looking when he gets up in the morning (and no, he does not own pajamas — the jammies he wore for the “I’m as mad as hell” photoshoot came straight from the Costume Department), so as long as he remembers to not look down he should be in good shape.

Of course, if we can’t get the boots and Cartoon Law fails I will be there to catch him if he falls. It’s what any Loyal and Faithful Mattress would do.

Bwana is getting so famous now he could make the cover of a national magazine, like People or Us. Or even ESPN Magazine!


And he’ll likely get a book deal:

The sky’s the limit for Bwana-san!

(I hear that Tom Cruise wants to play Bwana in the Olbermann bio-pic. Absolute ixnay as far as I’m concerned. Tommy’s too short. And we will never cede to his demand that Suri play the part of Toaster.)

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In keeping with the recent spate of Olbermann “special comments,” the following came to mind.

Comment by Blue Velvet

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