
Tofu Futures
Tuesday 30 January 2007, 13:10 pm
Filed under: Our Happie Home, Show Biz

Sheila comments on BwanaDay: All the News that’s Fit to Print:

Thank goodness Toaster and Hoodie Bear didn’t try that with ‘Flaming Tater Tots’, they could have fallen through the ice.

Any ways…Happy Bwana Day!!! And may he have many more.

Golly! Good point. It wouldn’t have been a Happy BwanaDay if the Big Cheese had to jump in and rescue Toaster, Hoodie, and a bunch of soggy Tater Tots.

Everyone was really impressed with the performance of the Tofu Guys. If we could get them to do something really interesting — like juggle Flaming Tater Tots while riding unicycles — it could mean a gig in Vegas. They could open for Celine Dion.

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Heck! The could be the headliner in the new ‘Cirque Du Soleil’ Show.

Comment by Sheila

And what are the Tofu Guys doing for the Super Bowl half-time show?

I don’t think flames are going to cut it here with Prince and the Tater Tots – perhaps the Tofu Guys will have to go purple and gold:

Comment by Blue Velvet

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