
Saturday 30 September 2006, 17:39 pm
Filed under: Our Happie Home

Blue Velvet writes:

I don’t know where this would fit on the readiness scale:

If this guy had done the commercial, there’d be a Mr. Microphone in every kitchen in America.

For sheer carnage potential, I think we keep Bass-O-Matic at DefCon1. But we will incorporate Mr. Microphone into our Psychological Operations.

Candelabra says the best man to assign to Mr. Microphone duty is this guy:

I hate to admit it, but Candelabra is right. Everytime I hear Lesko on the local ESPN Radio station I want to shoot myself in the head.

But then I remember that I am a mattress and that I don’t have a head.

The Art of War

VI:12. If we do not wish to fight, we can prevent
the enemy from engaging us even though the lines
of our encampment be merely traced out on the ground.
All we need do is to throw something odd and unaccountable in his way.

Personal Grooming
Friday 29 September 2006, 20:27 pm
Filed under: Fashion and Style, Tofu

rrgirl writes:

May time bless Mailbox with a beautifully restored patina.

Rub, rub here,
Rub, rub there
Whether you’re tin or brahss …
That’s how we keep you in repair
In the Merry Old Land of Oz …


Notre Famille
Friday 29 September 2006, 20:26 pm
Filed under: Chez Olbermann

Cristiane queries:
Are Toaster and Mailbox related? They seem to share a certain family resemblance.


They’re cousins.

Glad to hear the whole troupe is fine after such a scary ordeal. Consider this a hug for everyone. Sadly, even moats can’t keep out nasty powdery substances sent by vicious nutters.

And the sting rays are absolutely devastated that their plans were so easily foiled.

The Bible and Randy Newman
Friday 29 September 2006, 20:25 pm
Filed under: God's Love

Blue Velvet writes:

Here’s what I hope the FBI is going to be able to do for Bwana (metaphorically speaking, of course):

I think Bwana would be proud of my pop culture reference. Great quote. Love to Toaster, Mailbox, et. al.

We’d watch more “Twilight Zone” around here but it scares the dickens out of Toaster.

Leviticus 19:18

Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.

God’s Song:

And the Lord said …
And the Lord said …

I burn down your cities
How blind you must be
I take from you your children
And you say how blessed are we
You all must be crazy
To put your faith in me
That’s why I love mankind

Argumentum ad Ignorantiam
Friday 29 September 2006, 13:54 pm
Filed under: Twuthiness

T writes in reply to Uh …. Not Cool, Guys

Keith Olbermann is a cocksucker!

If you say so, dude. Just leave Grandma out of it.

Spacemann Keith
Friday 29 September 2006, 00:31 am
Filed under: Bill Lee, Lennie Briscoe, Short People, Theme Song, Who Maketh My Spirit to Shine

A new theme song for Bwana:

You’re supposed to sit on your ass and nod at stupid things
Man, that’s hard to do
And if you don’t, they’ll screw you
And if you do, they’ll screw you, too

When I’m standing in the middle of the diamond all alone
I always play to win
When it comes to skin and bone

And sometimes I say things I shouldn’t
And sometimes I say things I shouldn’t

   (Bill Lee – by Warren Zevon)

All I can find are 30-second samples:

  1. Windows Media Player
  2. RealPlayer

Who is the Spaceman?
Red Sox Nation: If you could have pitched in another era, which would it be?

Bill Lee: For selfish reasons, this one. There’s a lot more money, and I could retire on St. Maartens and swim naked every day. I like to scare the fish.

Kitchen Appliance Defense Conditions
Thursday 28 September 2006, 18:09 pm
Filed under: Not Donald Rumsfeld's Defense Department

Toaster has stepped up our Homeland Security efforts. The entire kitchen has sprung into action.

DEFCONs are phased increases in combat readiness.

George Foreman Grill

Peacetime; Increased intelligence; Strengthened security measures.

Increased force readiness.
Ginsu Knives

Increased force readiness (less than maximum).
The Magic Bullet

Maximum force readiness.

Under Siege
Thursday 28 September 2006, 01:32 am
Filed under: Our Happie Home

Scoop writes:

Dearest Mattress,

I have just heard about the terrible fright Bwana was put through at his home. I hope you, Toaster and the rest of his friends are all right and have not suffered any excessive anxieties over this, although I worry considerably about Mailbox. Is he OK?

Best to all of you…

Many thanks for your concern. Everyone is fine. Toaster was, of course, scared out of his wits, especially when Bwana had to go to the hospital for such a long time. Mailbox is all right, though a bit worse for wear after going through HazMat decontamination.


All praise New York City’s Finest, as well as the city’s domestic anti-terrorism efforts.

It is, of course, disturbing that our Happy Homeland Security plans contained such a glaring fault. No one thought of the mail as a danger. We clearly need to review the classic war manuals and rethink our strategy:

Principles of War
The Art of War

It was a frightening situation, but think of what could have happened if the threat had been real. Postal workers across the country could have been endangered, as well as the good people who live in this building, and anyone who had the bad luck to have his or her mail cross paths with a poisoned letter to Bwana.

But the fool in his mischief forgets
And he lights the fire
Wherein one day he must burn.

I guess Bwana’s commentaries are striking a nerve. I’m only a mattress, but doesn’t freedom of speech still exist in this country? This is America, isn’t it?

It’s Banned Books Week. Perhaps someone wants to extend that to include Ban Bwana Week.

We’re just going to have to hunker down here at Chez Olbermann. There is no way that he will not speak out. Someone has to.

Attributed to Martin Niemöller:

Als die Nazis die Kommunisten holten,
habe ich geschwiegen;
ich war ja kein Kommunist.

Als sie die Sozialdemokraten einsperrten,
habe ich geschwiegen;
ich war ja kein Sozialdemokrat.

Als sie die Gewerkschafter holten,
habe ich nicht protestiert;
ich war ja kein Gewerkschafter.

Als sie mich holten,
gab es keinen mehr, der protestieren konnte.


When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.

True Blue
Wednesday 27 September 2006, 13:36 pm
Filed under: MLB.TV, Obscure Cultural References


You are a film scholar!

Blue Velvet writes:

In keeping with the recent spate of Olbermann “special comments,” the following came to mind.

Good one. Jimmy Stewart sings better than Bwana, but Bwana does a good fire and brimstone. He scares Toaster sometimes.


When it was first released, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington was attacked as an anti-American pro-Communist film for its portrayal of corruption in the American government.

The film was banned in Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Francist Spain. Dubbing was used to alter the message of the film to conform with official ideology, according to Capra.

In 1942, when a ban on American films was imposed in German-occupied France, the title theaters chose Mr. Smith Goes to Washington for their last movie before the ban went into effect. One Paris theater owner reportedly screened the film nonstop for thirty days prior to the ban.

Cirque de l’Olbermann
Thursday 21 September 2006, 11:48 am
Filed under: MLB.TV, Obscure Cultural References, The Acme Corporation, The High Wire

Golly wolly! This is so exciting!

Not only did Bwana get to do a photo shoot recreating Peter Finch’s famous “I’m as mad as hell!” speech from “Network,” now he gets to recreate Philippe Petit’s tightrope walk between the World Trade Center towers!

Olbermann navigates tightrope minus a net


(Bwana wasn’t exactly hot for the idea at first, but once Dan Patrick and Phil the Showkiller double-dog-dared him to do it he could not say no.)

Of course, the towers aren’t there anymore, but I heard some chatter about stringing up a cable between the NBC headquarters at 30 Rockefeller Center and the Empire State Building.


That’s quite a ways to go. I hope Bwana won’t overexert himself and get a bulging disk or something bad like that.

Keeping our fingers crossed that Philippe Petit will consent to being Tightrope Maestro for Bwana. It’s either that or study the Tony Curtis circus movie:


To be on the safe side we are looking into buying a pair of Acme Anti-Gravity Boots, just in case Bwana slips and falls. Then again, Cartoon Law is pretty clear:

Wiley’s Law of Gravitation States that
you can defy gravity if:
      A) You are a cartoon character
      B) You don’t look down

Bwana is extremely cartoonish-looking when he gets up in the morning (and no, he does not own pajamas — the jammies he wore for the “I’m as mad as hell” photoshoot came straight from the Costume Department), so as long as he remembers to not look down he should be in good shape.

Of course, if we can’t get the boots and Cartoon Law fails I will be there to catch him if he falls. It’s what any Loyal and Faithful Mattress would do.

Bwana is getting so famous now he could make the cover of a national magazine, like People or Us. Or even ESPN Magazine!


And he’ll likely get a book deal:

The sky’s the limit for Bwana-san!

(I hear that Tom Cruise wants to play Bwana in the Olbermann bio-pic. Absolute ixnay as far as I’m concerned. Tommy’s too short. And we will never cede to his demand that Suri play the part of Toaster.)