
New Year’s Toast
Wednesday 31 December 2008, 13:21 pm
Filed under: Our Happie Home

Blue Velvet writes

PS Happy New Year to all.

and m00finsan adds:

Happy New Year to you, yours, and everyone at Casa del Bwana.

Thankie for your greetings!

Toaster would like to remind everyone that toast goes really well with all varieties of champagne. So when you toast in the New Year, don’t forget the toast:


There’s nothing like a nice piece of toast and bubblies to ring in the New Year!

Keep your toast warm and your knees bent
Monday 29 December 2008, 12:44 pm
Filed under: Our Happie Home

Toaster found a nice Christmas-sy way to help keep Bwana’s toast warm:


Toaster asked Santa for world peace (which he does every year) but he supposes that world peace is a big thing and Santa can’t fit it in the stocking. So Santa left him a pair of socks and some underwear.

Toaster needs a bigger stocking ….

Senator Toaster
Wednesday 24 December 2008, 11:04 am
Filed under: Things That Toaster Thinks About

Toaster wants to be New York’s new senator.

Caroline Kennedy is famous and everything, but it looks like support for her is not universal:

Resistance is emerging among Democratic officials against Caroline Kennedy as she pursues Hillary Rodham Clinton’s seat in the United States Senate, with Gov. David A. Paterson bristling over suggestions that her selection is inevitable, according to his advisers, and other leading Democrats concerned that she is too beholden to Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg.

    — Resistance to Kennedy Grows Among Democrats

So maybe Toaster might have a chance.

He has a lot of things going for him:

  • He is well-versed in current events. He has deep discussions with Bwana, and not just about baseball.
  • He is very involved in our democracy, having walked all the way to Minnesota to help with their recount.
  • Reads all the newspapers. All of them. (He can name them all, too.)
  • Promises to disclose all his finances, even the big allowance that Bwana gives him.
  • He vows to represent not just small appliances, but all New Yorkers.
  • His platform of bringing joy, happienesss, and toastieness to the world is embraced by everyone from the far right to the far left of the political spectrum.

Another plus is that he’s great pals with Governor Paterson’s toaster, not that an inside connection should have anything to do with selecting those who represent us in the government.

Chappie Chanukah!
Monday 22 December 2008, 18:33 pm
Filed under: Our Happie Home


Bring on the applesauce and latkes!

Image is Everything
Friday 19 December 2008, 21:38 pm
Filed under: Our Happie Home

Blue Velvet wrote in ToasterCam:

Here’s your Toaster Cam….sort of: Self-portrait with toaster camera

Wow! Neat-o!

Toaster tried to make his own toastercam. It works pretty good. He’s taken a lot of photos of Bwana’s kneecaps. But it’s kind of big and hard for him to hold up:


Tuesday 16 December 2008, 13:37 pm
Filed under: Our Happie Home, Things That Toaster Thinks About

Toaster thinks “Countdown” needs to have a ToasterCam segment.

Sure, Bwana has been doing well and the ratings have gone up over the years. But Toaster is sure that ToasterCam would put “Countdown” over the top. Bwana would crush Mr. O’Reilly’s show. Toaster knows that Bwana would love that.

The Bush family has Barneycam:

We need ToasterCam!

Toast the Heisman
Friday 12 December 2008, 17:44 pm
Filed under: And Now for Something Completely Different

Toaster still hasn’t found those papers that he picked up in Minnesota. He thinks he may have left them at the Downtown Athletic Club. It’s too late for him to toddle back down there; the club is bustling with activity for the Heisman Trophy presentation.

If Norm Coleman or Al Franken win the Heisman Trophy tomorrow night, you’ll know why.

Thursday 11 December 2008, 12:50 pm
Filed under: Things That Scare Toaster


After what they said was an exhaustive search of the nooks and crannies of their Northeast warehouse, Minneapolis officials announced Monday that they were abandoning their hunt for 133 missing ballots in the U.S. Senate recount.

    — Senate recount: Minneapolis gives up on 133 ballots, but they still have pull

Somebody stuffed a bunch of papers in Toaster’s slots when he was out helping with the recount. After he came home he took them out and put them down somewhere and now can’t find them.

Yikes ….

A Very O’Reilly Christmas
Thursday 4 December 2008, 07:49 am
Filed under: Our Happie Home

Oh, boy! Toaster has found the perfect Christmas gift for Bwana:

For those hard-to-please people on your holiday gift list this year, consider some unusual presents: the chance to hang out with Bill O’Reilly, sing with Aretha Franklin or tour the Capitol with Nancy Pelosi.

Those are just some of the items on auction this month to benefit the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Human Rights. Proceeds will fund the center’s efforts both domestically and globally.

    — Kennedy auction offers star-studded experiences

Toasters knows that Bwana would just love to hang out with Mr. O’Reilly! They would have so much to talk about!!!

Toaster wants Bwana to have a Christmas unlike any other. He is going to gather up all his money so he can put in a big bid.

Meet the Bwana
Tuesday 2 December 2008, 22:02 pm
Filed under: Things That Toaster Thinks About

NBC News has settled on David Gregory as its choice to be the successor to Tim Russert in the role of moderator of its longtime Sunday discussion program “Meet the Press.” But the network has not finalized the deal, NBC executives said Tuesday.

    — David Gregory Is Likely to Host ‘Meet the Press’


Toaster says that not only would Bwana make a great senator or Secretary of Baseball, he’d also make a great MTP host.

Then again, if he hosted MTP he’d probably have to move to Washington, D.C., leaving both NYC and his beloved Yankees and have to cheer for either the Washington Nationals or the Baltimore Orioles.


We’ll just stay in the Big Apple.